High quality traditional art of china on canvas , include many classical element of china this oil painting is paint by our outstanding artist in this style , besides ,we have a wide range of paintings in this series to choose from and can supply customized size according to customer's requirements.If you hava any questions,please contact us with email info@china-art-discount.com.. This Folk art oil painting is panited by our skilled and experienced artist. The shown sizes are just recommended, if you want to customize into any other size, please tell us for special cost evaluation. We manage to provide the excellend oil painting with high quality and low price. If you are a wholesaler, please send email to us for wholesale price.
1. Our art is 100% hand painted and signed. it is of the high quality and is sold to galleries worldwide.When you buy directly from us you get the lowest price possible. we can offer you that since we are direct high volume importers and the artists work exclusively for us. By not operating retail locations we cut down on our expenses and pass the savings on to you.
2. We will send you the proofs for your approval in adanvance. You can see what your art looks like even before shippment!
3. Our staff is very helpful, knowledgeable, experienced and is always happy to answer any questions you may have.
4. Our 100 plus artists can paint anything imaginable. just email\mail us the picture and we will paint it for you. We do special requests and can accommodate anything.
oil painting, Folk art oil painting wholsale Folk art oil paintingpainting from photo, fine art reproduction, oil paintings from photos, art instruction, painting artists,